Confession #1- I live and breathe for schedules. Although things happen that cause me to deviate from them probably once a week (Dr. appts, sick kids, husband having a day off), I try to stick to it as much as possible. It keeps me focused and in line. I believe that staying home with the kids is my "job" (although so much more), and just as people have routines and schedules at there job, so do I!
Here is a glimpse of a typical morning in our home:
5:45 a.m.- I get myself out of bed before anyone else is awake (ideally!) and shower, get dressed, put on my makeup and actually feel like a woman. If I'm really lucky, I even blow dry and curl my hair.
6:15 a.m.- I make a pot of coffee, and sit down to have my quiet time. I love reading the Bible and learning about God.
6:45 a.m.- by this time, everyone is waking up. I fix breakfast (which as the picture shows, isn't usually grandious; Toaster waffles or cereal for kids, eggs and toast for me and hubby, ) Although sometimes we get adventurous and make colored pancakes! While everyone is eating, I'm usually cleaning up the kitchen and making my husband's lunch).
7:30- I help Jayna get ready for school and do her homework
8:10- The younger 2 load up on the stroller and Jayna gets on her bike, and we walk the 0.4 miles to school. Jayna loves kindergarten.
8:30- Start a load of laundry, and fold what's in the drier (yes, I leave clothes in the drier overnight. I'm bad)
9:00- Business and Office work. Self explanatory!
10:30- younger kids bathed while I blog (I actually sit in the bathroom with my laptop and try not to get's quite comical, really).
11:15- pick up Jayna from school.
11:30- Lunch. Lunch ranges from leftovers from the night before to mac and cheese to sandwiches. Yes, Confession #2...I usually only cook 1 meal a day. And I'm okay with that.
And this is how my mornings fly by every day! Up next is the Afternoons!
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