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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Our Christmas trees are on their way! We are selling 620 trees this year! We are really hoping to make enough money to have a good down payment for a new house. Wish us luck!

The kids continue to grow-grow-grow and astonish us! They are amazing. I couldn't ask for cooler babies. They are exceedingly smart, witty, and athletic. They are beautiful, sweet, social...I could go on and on. I am having a hard time seeing their downfalls! Part of being a mommy...biased!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am feeling so thankful! There is so much going on right now, and sometimes I feel totally overwhelmed. College, kids, cleaning, cooking, shopping with coupons, bookkeeping for Ritterboys, Christmas trees, LAUNDRY! It all gets to me sometimes! And on top of that I am trying to make it to the gym a few times a week and doing crafts/school with the children. I sometimes wish that I didn't have to would give me 7-8 mostly uninterrupted time to get things done!

Although I feel totally overwhelmed, I am thankful to have so much. Our three children (and two dogs!) are the biggest blessing of all. I also have a wonderful husband. God has helped our business stay afloat even through the Recession, we have amazing extended family that supports and love us. I am so thankful that I am able to stay home with my children, and even more thankful that all three of them are perfectly formed, perfectly healthy, and are flourishing in every way.

When things seem hard and too much to handle, I always try to look at the wonderful gifts I am given, and to remember that "this too will pass". In a few years I will look back and laugh at all the things that I juggled now, and I will have new struggles to get through! All circumstances are temporary.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 1 of 30 day Challenge

I started my self-proclaimed 30 day challenge today. 30 days of eating as well as I possibly can to see how it affects my family and I. So far, so good. I have been a little more energetic. Not running around, but I barely got sleep last night, and I am sure I still have some toxins in my body from the yucky food. It takes a few days. I need to get back to exercising too...I've been waiting for Sonja's cough to go away, but it's been 3 weeks! She's gotta be good enough to go.

Anyways;, this is what our mealplans were for the day.

Breakfast- I made a pot of oatmeal and the kids added their own sweeteners (honey and dark brown sugar, which are much better for you than white refined sugar), they also had bananas and a little bit of my smoothie.

I had a cup of herbal tea first thing, trying to ditch the coffee (we'll see though haha!). Since I can't have just anything in the morning( borderline hypoglycemic) , I opted for a fruit and yogurt smoothie with a tablespoon of both wheat germ and ground flaxseeds (the last 2 ingredients are key to keep me from getting sick in the morning). I felt absolutely great and actually pretty full.

Snack- the kids had real fruit popsicles (not the healthiest, but they were playing outside), and milk. I had a handful of pumpkin seeds, which are SO GOOD

Lunch- We had a picnic outside. We packed PB & Jam (organic PB, which tastes sooo much better and is so much better for you! I'm hooked already!, blackberry preserves, and whole grain, no preservative actually have to refridgerate it...and it tastes really good!!). Then we also had orange slices, sliced pears, and baby carrots. The kids ate it up like crazy- they have always loved fruits, and being outside made lunch even more fun:)

Dinner- for dinner I am going to make baked salmon with rose petal potatoes (tiny little cute potatoes!) with olive oil and parmesan, and I am going to figure out another veggie to include...maybe spaghetti squash with alfredo?? Not completely sure quite yet.


Eathing Healthy, Pictures, and Updates

Today is the start of our 30 day trial of eating healthier. I went to the store last night (actually 3 stores) and got a lot of fruits and veggies (organic when it wasn't a lot more $), nuts, seeds, fish/chicken, yogurts/cottage cheese, and whole grain breads/pastas. I knew I couldn't afford to change everything overnight, but figured this was a really good start! Now I just have to figure out how to cook acorn/butternut squashes, sweet potatoes, fresh spinach, etc! I don't have a whole lot of experience with sprucing them up! I borrowed a couple of vegetable cookbooks from the library to hopefully give me some ideas. I also re-borrowed the book "Deceptively Delicious" by Jerry Seinfield's wife which entails yummy recipes that have surprising veggie ingredients in them (think brownies with spinach and mac and cheese with cauliflower). I will keep updating on our eating habit changes, and see how it benefits us.

Anyways, I cannot believe it is already November! Time just...FLIES. Everyone is doing great. The last 2 weeks of October was really rough for our family heath wise...we had chest colds and possible flus, Sonja had and still kind of is fighting off Bronciolitis. Ucky.

Everyone is growing up so quickly! Sonja started to pull herself up about 3 days ago. Just out of the blue, she could do it. She is crawling so fast now, too! She's all over the house! I have to sweep and mop the floor once or twice a day! And she still manages to get dirty! Our slate floors are rough to get dirt-free. I never really notice it until we have a crawler around- I need to tie a mophead to her and let her mop for me :-). Last night was rough...we have those once in a while. She wakes up and just doesn't want to or has trouble falling back asleep. It is very frustrating for me and hard to deal with. I have to pray for patience the whole time. Last night she woke up at midnight and it took me 2 hours to get her to finally fall back asleep. I think that she was constipated. I tried giving her a warm bath, soothing her with lotions, giving her juice and brown sugar (dark brown sugar is a natural laxative of sorts, very mild though), I was trying so hard to relax her, but in the end I just had to hold her close and not let her move. So she went to sleep at 2, and then woke up again at 5! I thought I was gonna go crazy! Luckily the second time she took her bottle and went right to sleep. Everyone slept in this morning, which was such a blessing! Sonja is a very happy baby usually, but when she is sick or uncomfortable (the last 2 weeks of October and occasionally thereafter), she is a HANDFUL. I can tell already that although she is sweet and easy going, when she isn't feeling well, she becomes very strong willed and stubborn. I just gotta keep her healthy so I don't go crazy ;). She is such a blessing to our family though. She is very much a Daddy's Girl, more than any of the other 2 were at her age. She just hears him sing or sees him sitting across the room and will just stare and smile the whole time. She LOVES him.

Xander is really turning into such a little man- no longer a toddler! He talks and talks and is such a little ham! When he is playing with toys, he always uses a high pitched voice- it's really funny! Our new discipline style (which I wrote about earlier) is really working well for him. Consistency and calmness is key for him. He absolutely loves to play football/baseball with Daddy. And with me, he loves to play a chasing game. He has m e say "I got ya where I want ya, now I'm gonna GET ya!!" and I chase him around. He could play that all day long, seriously! He also loves games like hide and seek, and even is getting into the all time famous"Max and Ruby" that Jayna ALWAYS wants to play. He is really getting into Boy stuff- fighting, guns, swords, VULTRON (Daddy's fav movie as a kid..he is so stoked that he got Jayna and Xander into it!) is so fun to watch him just be a carefree boy!

Jayna is growing up so much and so fast that I can't even believe it! Her reasoning, intelligence, character, and artistic flare just make her such a joy to have around. She is so happy to just be at home and play "max and ruby" nor hide and seek, draw/do crafts, sing songs/make up her own songs, write, read, etc. But she also loves to go places, and is really loving playing baseball with Daddy. Jason is very impressed at her athleticism, even at this young age. She doesn't like the "Tee", but prefers Daddy to pitch to her...and she does really well! She is just so well-rounded, I am excited for her. She will be able to do pretty much whatever she puts her mind to! She is such a talker and thinker- we have discussions that I never thought I'd have with a 4 year old She asks things like "Why to people die", "Why can't I see God", "What is heaven like", etc. I love it! I adore having these conversations with her, and hope that we always can talk like this.

Jason and I have been very busy as parents and business owners. We are getting ready to sell Christmas trees at the end of the month, I am keeping books of our financial side of the bus, and Jason is out on the field. It is exhausting! Throw in 3 kids, 2 dogs, and cooking/cleaning, and I have to resist working from sunup to sundown. I try to make absolutely sure that my kids get at least 2 hours of undivided time in the day, and at least an hour of family time with Daddy at night. Sometimes we don't quite get there, but I try to make sure even then that they at least help me prepare meals, we read stories, and even clean up together. The kids have their "chores" and they get a quarter a day when they complete them. They can choose to save their money to buy a toy, or use it now on a gumball machine. I am trying to teach them, even at this young age, how money works.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Autumn is here, and I'm rambling

Although here in Phoenix, the signs aren't as significant as elsewhere, we are still very well aware that Fall is upon us. The kids actually have to wear a long sleeve shirt outside first thing in the morning, and the days are so mild (we're talkin 80s), it is SO beautiful. Even though there aren't many falling leaves or night freezes, we are still loving the fall!

I have been taking the kids outside almost every day. We have gone to parks, gone on walks and a picnic, went to a Fire Engine Parade, and just outside in our backyard.

There is more to do, too! Almost too much! We want to go to the Phoenix zoo a time or two before our year pass expires (Oct 31st), go to the train park in Scottsdale, and go for more walks, and try out new parks. I love the fall.

On another note, discipline has been going so well for little Xander. My totally calm mannerism and structured time outs/spankings has changed his whole attitude. NO MORE counting to 3 to get him to obey. That only succeeds in teaching him not to pay attention to a word I say until I get to "2...". All of yesterday and today, he has heard and obeyed me much better.

I am faced with the challenge of trying to find more hours in my day. There is so much that I want to do, and the days just don't seem long enough! Oh, how I wish I needed less sleep. Einstein only slept 4 hours a night...why can't I!!?? If I thought I could still function well with 4 hrs, I would jump at the opportunity. There is just so much I want to do!

- Homeschool (well, preschool for now) kids
- maintain a clean and well organized home
-keep books for RitterBoys (not so much a want as a necessity)
-College (Same as above, am currently doing 3 classes online)
-Keep a budget and pay all bills on time (same as above 2)
- shop for the cheapest healthy food we can find, use coupons when I can
-train/raise children, with lots of love and attention
-Exercise at the gyme 1 1/2 hrs a day
- Home cooked, healthy meals
-Take time to blog, write in my journal, and write my novel

This is the main attraction to my life. Throw in spending quality time with husband, trying to find time for myself out with the girls, doing my devotions with God, taking care of my dogs, and hosting a small group for our church every Wed night, and things are just hectic. I know that I am not able to do EVERYTHING, all the time. My hope I guess is that in a weeks time, with a week worth of hours, I will be able to accomplish it all. I am hiring Auntie Carmen to watch the kids 2 days a week from now until mid December so that I can get everything initially set up. During the days that she takes the kids, I will be:

-figuring out a time efficient filing system for the business
-setting up Quickbooks so that it will see us from start (the estimate) to finish (our final payment), with everything in between ( receipts, bill pay, etc)
- Getting our house, and more importantly our Garage, clutter free and in order. Turning Garage into a hobby/art room. Maybe a small play area as well.
- Plan out routines (daily weekly and monthly that will help me to complete all of the cleaning)
- Plan when and how I am going to menu plan
-Plan for test semester school (Jan-June I am going to teach Jayna Kindergarten to see how it goes)
-Empty out storage unit, get rid of anything we don't need.

It's a lot, huh!? That is why I am having the kids babysat 2 full days a week for the next 10 weeks. I think that in 20 full days, I can get this all done. At least, I hope!

That's about it for now! Like I said, Autumn is here and I am loving it, even though I feel pressed with all my responsibilities. I will get it all in order soon enough!! Half the battle is knowing you need to make changes, and another good portion of it is the planning! Right?? I hope so!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

School Haze

I officially started school on Oct 5th, but only 1 of my 3 classes. My other 2 classes start on Oct 26th. It is exciting, but kind of hard to find the time to sit and do. I am a little scared of how hard it will be when I have all 3 classes going at the same time.

I have been doing "Relaxed Homeschool" with Jayna and Xander the passed couple of months. I sometimes use worksheets that I put in a sheet protector and let them use markers. Most of the time, though, I teach them through reading books, arts/crafts, music (circle time), and educational games (ABC Go fish; Animal/Alphabet Bingo, Candy Land, etc). The kids seem to really enjoy this fun way to learn. Xander is a little less into school than Jayna, but he's only 2. I'm not too worried about him learning anything besides life and play at this point. My main focus with Xander actually is discipline and love, which of course are one and the same. He can be a little booger at times, and I think it's because he needs extra attention. Baby Sonja is needing me constantly, and when she is asleep I am teaching school. That doesn't leave much time for a wiggly little boy who could really care less about his ABCs. I try to make sure to go to a park and to the library a couple times a week, but sometimes that's not enough.

I really want to raise my kids according to their love language, effective discipline techniques and their learning styles. This is what I have come up with so far.

Jayna- I believe Jayna has the love language of quality time. She is truly hurt if we don't get our game of "max and ruby" in, or if "circle time" or "book time" gets skipped. She is constantly asking me "mommy, what time is it" not meaning the clock hour, but what is it time for us to do. She loves being part of a family, and is perfectly content staying home and hanging out with me and her siblings. Her learning style is so simple- she just loves to learn. She seems to not have a preference how. She excels at written worksheets, at visual examples, and also with hands on games. She is also great at listening to stories/songs and learning through those as well. She is just Ms. Learner, plain and simple. Her discipline is a little more tricky. Jayna is very sensitive. Sometimes the slightest thing will cause a ton of tears. My main goal is to stay very calm, collected, and sit her down to talk with me in most cases. Of course, when she is losing her cool or throwing a tantrum, she is going to be put in time out. And for lies and direct disobedience, there is the occasional spanking- but I will never administer a spanking without first talking with her, making sure I see the whole picture and she is for sure in need of one, and making sure she understands why she is getting spanked. After the spanking there is always love and reconciliation.

Xander- Mr. "all-boy", his love language seems to be affection. He really loves being held, hugged, and kissed. While he loves to be played with along with Jayna, it doesn't seem like he NEEDS it to feel loved. He does get grumpy when I am holding Sonja and he wants up and cuddled. I try to find the time every day to make sure he gets loved on. At circle time, he sits on my lap. I also lovingly carry him to bed at naptime and bedtime. His learning style is still kind of hard to know for sure, but I think a lot of it is visual and a lot of hands on. He learns a lot just listening to Jayna, and also by watching people. Most of his learning (at age 2, anyhow) is simply by trying it out, seeing how it goes ...trial and error. Which I suppose is pretty normal for any 2 year old. Discipline is a tricky one. Our biggest struggle with him is getting his attention. Especially when he is immersed in either play or TV (which I am limiting to almost none at the moment). I don't want to spank him for not listening, because I am not sure whether he hears me but ignores, or if he just truly is zoning me out. I am leaning towards the latter. However, this is not a habit I want him to carry into his childhood. It is very important to me that he learns this. My current plan has been to eliminate my bad habits first. I have the habit of giving him a command while I am busy. For instance, while making breakfast and holding Sonja, I will say "Xander go get me a diaper so I can change you". I am busy, so don't pay attention to make sure that he obeys me the first time. So instead I end up saying it over and over. The first step is to walk up to him, touch him to get his attention, and tell him my command. Then walk him through the whole thing so he doesn't get distracted. That's my plan for now. After we master that, I'll work on giving commands from across the room. hahaha

Sonja- is a baby, so what can I say? She loves to be held. ALL.. THE..TIME!! She always wants someone around. But she is generally sweet and happy-go-lucky. She of course doesn't have much discipline (other than going to bed when she is too grumpy), and her learning is really just watching and playing with all of her family members.

I am excited to see how my kids grow and develop, and feel a great responsibility for "how they turn out". I want to make sure they never ever doubt that Mommy, Daddy, or God love them. I wish for them to be happy, Christ-centered, functional women and men (or man in my case).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am Blessed

I have gotten so busy with life that I just haven't found a moment to sit down and write a blog in way too long! It makes me sad! I have written a couple of times in a journal, so at least I did that I guess.

I have been reflecting over the past couple of days. I feel so amazingly blessed. Even though our finances are very difficult right now, and we haven't had work in almost a month, I am realizing that is not what matters. Sure, it feels so much better when we aren't depleting savings just to pay bills, and not clipping every coupon and hitting ever major deal grocery stores offer just so we can afford to eat well (actually, I do this whether or not we are working, but it's more the fact that we HAVE to do this), but money is not what matters, nor is any material thing. It's my kids (including my dog), and my husband, and God (not necessarily in that order), that matter.

Last night I was holding Sonja in front of the mirror, as she enjoys looking at herself. I got a good view of her as well (sometimes you are holding them so close you don't "really" get to look at them), and I was just awed by how beautiful she is. Such a perfect round head, with big blue eyes and the widest grin I've ever seen. It brought tears to my eyes as I revelled in how carefully she was knit together by God, and entrusted my my care. I felt like just squeezing her as hard as I could. I kissed those chunky cheeks over and over as I just fell even more in love with my 5 month old. This "surprise" from God that at one time I was overwhelmed with the idea of even having! And now she is the center of my world, just like the other 2...3....well, 4!

I have experienced the same what you might call "revelations" with my other family members. Jayna and her amazing wit, humor, and artistic abilities. I may have helped nurture this, but she is so naturally and incredibly gifted. As we do our schoolwork, and she beautifully writes her "A's" (better handwriting than me, I might add..although that's not saying much), I just am blown away. And Xander, with his natural athleticism and just a zest for life. He has the type of personality that draws people to him. He could be being the biggest brat in the world, and strangers at the store still giggle at him and play with him. I don't know what it is, but he's going to have the world at his fingertips.

And, of course lets not forget Jason. My strong partner who would do anything for me and our family. We are building a life together, and I just couldn't live without him. I know that is kind of short and sweet, but I really think that sums it up! I love him to death.

Sascha is a different story...(kidding, of course). Sascha is the best dog I personally have ever had. She lays right next to my side of the bed at night (I put a blanket down for her, she really likes it), she hangs out with me and the kids all day long in the house, and is learning tricks! She just has such a personality, as huskies tend to have. She is stubborn, independent, yes...but also loving, sympathetic, and a dear friend of mine.

With all of these blessings that are in my life every minute of every day, who am I to worry and fret or feel depressed about my circumstances!?? Many people would kill to be me. I think I can finally say I have given up my problems to God, and also put trust into Jason. Let's face it, I don't have the ability to fix our situation. All I can do is trust in my God and help out Jason in any way I can.

That is all for today. I do need to post updates on our kids soon...they have gotten so big!!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Right when I was saying that Sonja doesn't roll, she decided to! She rolls almost all the way over now :) and she also bears weight on her legs now. It all happened so fast!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Xander is Two!!!

Xan is TWO! I can't believe how fast time flies! He has TOTALLY hit his "terrible twos"...its like clockwork! Just yesterday I was noticing how challenging he is becoming!!! He is really starting to talk, and is so insistant to get his way! He has a strong will just like Jayna, which I love about them, but during this phase it is really hard to deal with!!

My little man is so coordinated! Everyone makes comments about how he is a natural athlete. Just watching him move around is amazing. He throws overhand, swings a bat and twists his hips, takes a little step to kick a ball, etc. it's pretty crazy. He is also crazy good on his bike- and Jason just got him a little 50cc quad for his bday, so I'm sure he'll be even more crazy! His birthday is today but we are having a little party for him on Saturday, so we'll give him the quad then.

We are moving back to our own house~ for now, anyways! We are still trying to modify our loan...and they just extended us to we figure we may as well move back and have 2 mos free rent!

Sonja is 3 mos

really, she's almost 4 mos, but since I missed the 3 month mark (been insanely busy) I wanted to back track just a bit.

Sonja is just the sweetest baby you'd ever meet. I know i say that a lot, but it really is true. She is so calm, smiley, and squishy (haha! She has the cutest cheeks EVER!). She has really started to laugh lately. EVERY time she laughs, she gets the hiccups! I kind of feel bad for her! But it doesn't seem to bother her.

She really loves to be around people. She is completely fine being in a chair or on the floor as long as people are around her. She doesn't like to be [awake] in a room by herself. She's going to be a little social butterfly.

She is doing really good keeping her head steady while sitting up in our laps, and also is up on her elbows and looking around while on her tummy. She rolls from her belly to back, but hasn't really attempted back to belly. When she's on her back she mostly just kicks and looks around.

She absolutely loves her brother and her sister. Brother is a little too rough with her, so she sometimes is cautious of him, whining if he gets too close. Sissy Jayna is her best buddy. Jayna feeds sonja bottles, plays with her while mommy is trying to get things done, and shares her toys. The other day I went to the store with all the kids. I was having a hard time keeping all of them in check (and by all of them I mean Mr. Terrible Twos), and Jayna was just taking care of Sonja- giving her stuffed animals, etc...well, Sonja fell asleep with the little toys all around her,and was holding a little beanie baby. It was just so cute. I love how Jayna shares with her.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Beautiful Trio

I am so blessed by my beautiful children. I have had their professional photos sitting here for a while now, and have just lacked the time and patience to sit and upload them. Now, as I am trying to get some much needed rest to recover from a flu I caught over the weekend, I want to share some of these pictures while I talk about their new discoveries.

Jayna "the princess" Ritter-

Every single day, Jayna picks up new cuter than cute sayings and phrases. Yesterday, she was talking with me about her recent trip to Grandma's house (the kids stayed there while I was bedridden with the horrible flu). She was talking about how she squished all the bugs because they can "sting you really hard". She the proceeded to explain to me that bugs are fast- I said, "oh, yeah? How fast were they?" She says "well, bugs are fast, cats are faster, but MOST OF ALL, Dogs are fast". I was cracking up. The way her mind works is amazing (to me at least).

Today, all of us grown ups are still home trying to get over the sickness. Uncle Robbi came down in his pajama pants, which have skiing reindeer and snowflakes (funny, I know). Jayna said "Hey. Uncle Robbi, what's on your pants? Snowmen?" Robbi said, "No, they are reindeer." She said "No, I see snow on there. See the snow (pointing to the snowflakes)?" He goes "Ok, you win." She laughed and said "yeah, I win." A little later, Robbi was telling us the story. Jayna said "Yeah, YOU LOSE, Robbi". We all just busted up laughing.

She loves books, and "reads" the books by looking at the pictures and telling the story. She has "Green Eggs And Ham" and "Cat in the Hat" pretty much memorized.

Xander "the tank" Ritter-

He is also starting to talk a lot. He's linking words into little sentences now. I can't believe he's going to be 2 next month! Goes by quickly! He has been, on his own accord, saying things like "Thanks, Sissy" or "juice, please, mommy". He can be so sweet, but he also has a really big attitude. If he doesn't agree, he makes the most hilarious (but, it should be offensive) face at us- kind of like rollin his eyes, but its more of a slouching his shoulders and head and looking....or glaring up at us. I hate to admit it, but it's just too hilarious to get him in trouble for.

Here's the least part way!

Xan is our natural athlete- whether its throwing a football, baseball, or swinging a bat, he just pretty much automatically resumes the correct form. It is proof that some people are just born that way- amazing! He is going to be great...I can't wait to see what he can do!

I've realized he is really good at puzzles. Its so fun to do them with's his "thing" :)

Sonja "the sweetie" Ritter''

Growing up at a manic pace! You are smiling, and just about laughing. You can roll over from your stomach to your back, but you don't do it all the time. You really don't like being on your tummy (unless it's on our lap), but you need your tummy time to work those back muscles. You are getting really steady at holding up your head! You are a big girl, 11 lbs 10 oz (you just went to the dr today.) These pics are a little outdated for you, because this young you change so fast, but they are still so adorable.

You are cooeing and on the verge of laughter. Actually, a couple of nights ago, you laughed in your sleep a couple of times- so it won't be long! It's so cool- when you are being held by someone else, you smile and are coy and sweet, then as soon as I hold you and you recognize me (I LOVE that you recognize me) you smile extra wide and nearly laugh. I get the biggest show :) I'm so lucky!

You have been sick, again. With a 102 fever. We went to the dr. again. Seems like we are there a little too much! Anyways, they gave you an antibiotic shot, but that's all for now. Hopefully that kicks it, but if it's the flu like I had, I don't think it will.

I love you, guys! I pray every day that when you look back at your childhood, it's full of lots of smiles and minimal tears!!

XOXO, Mommy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2 Month Old Sonja, Treasure Hunt, and Other Updates

4/17/09 was Sonja's 2 month appointment, and her first set of shots. She is very healthy! She was 11 lbs 3 oz (75th percentile), 25.5" (95th percentile)!!! She had a little bit of thrush, but besides that she is perfect. It was so sad having to watch her get her shots, but I know it's only for her good. She was a little grumpy the rest of the day, though.

Sonja is still the little angel. She is easy going, pretty quiet, and very sweet. She is all smiles. First thing in the morning, I enjoy nothing as much as just exchanging smiles with her. She is getting so big so fast! I am always amazed with how quickly they grow up. She still eats every 2-3 hours during the day. I wake her up to eat before I go to bed, and then she sleeps until 2 or 3, then is awake around 5:30 or 6. I have been giving her 2 oz of water mixed with brown sugar to regulate her bowels. She was having a really hard time going, and it was miserable for her!

We had a great Easter! We went to Payson. At my moms we had an Easter Egg hunt for the kids. They had a blast.

We went to the zoo on 4/16/09. We met up with my friend Nicole, who was accompaning her neice on a fieldtrip. It was hard with three kids! But it was still a lot of fun! We got the kettle corn. I had packed a lunch, but forgot it on the counter on the way out. I do that a lot now adays (forget things!) haha.

I had a treasure hunt for the kids (mainly Jayna) just for fun. We got a box, and filled it with things around the house. I had hints written down to tell us what we needed to fill the box up with. After we found everything on the list, Jayna "hid" the box and made a map of where it was hidden. It was fun!

The kids have a ton of fun with the neighborhood kids, especially Nate. He comes over almost every day and they play on the front porch. It is so cool! They usually play with dolls (barbies and Kens) and cars for the barbies. I love that they have friends.

I made a newspaper ball and bat for Xander, and we played baseball indoors! It was fun! Xander loves anything that has to do with sports! When he has a football, he passes it to me, says "hike!" and then runs a pattern, turns around, and puts his hands out to catch it. It is hilarious

I took Jayna out with me on my errand day. Daddy was off, so he watched the other two. I have so much fun just taking one child. I like to switch it up and take a different one each time. It was fun. I got a really big lollipop for Jayna and for Xander. They had so much fun with those...Jayna was really excited to get one for her brother. She is so cute, and so giving.
Our family is so awesome! I am so happy.