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Saturday, January 26, 2013


This past December, We finally got family pictures done!! I am not big on the portrait studios, but we got a wonderful deal on groupon for Target and went for it! They turned out pretty good and it feels so good to have photos of the entire family!

Here is the best one of the entire fam

2012 was a year of amazing changes- especially full of the kind of changes that seem bad at the time, but in hind-sight you realize that God was orchestrating the whole thing. And what seemed like failures, he worked out for good. And, it isn't over yet!

First- we are "resting" our business as Jason joins in a venture of a partnership of sorts with another contractor. We lost our license due to a court situation, and cannot reinstate it until we can come up with thousands of dollars. Since we are not able to do that at this time, we were stuck. Jason applied for countless jobs and NOTHING- we knew God wanted us to keep our business going, but also knew God would not ask us to go against the law and operate without a license. Within a month, the answer came! We are now working with another contractor- have steadier income, and even an office! Which brings me to the next change!

I think these 3 are just about the cutest things on earth

We are MOVING! It has been a long time coming- we started just feeling "sick" of Avondale for many different reasons- this is usually the start of a change in our lives. Then, when Jason joined forces with the other contractor, he began to work in North Scottsdale every day- 3 hour roundtrip drive every day! We found out we were able to get approved to buy a home, and the decision seemed so clear. It was time to move!

It turned out not to be quite that simple. We had a hard time getting the home we wanted with our financing (VA financing), and ended up going out of the area we were hoping for. In fact- we went WAAYYYY north Phoenix. We chose a home almost in New River. We loved the home, and decided we would be o.k. with the location. God decided otherwise. Our financing got a kink in it and it will be another few months before we can buy again. Meanwhile...behind the scenes God is hard at work...

We are pretty cute too..

Jason and his partner opened an office in Scottsdale- but not anywhere near as North as we had thought. From the home we were going to buy, it would be around 40 minutes! I think that was an intervention from God. It would have been really hard to have to make that commute- only about 15 minutes closer than where we are now!

Also- with VA financing, we have to choose a home that is newer. Now, our dream is to get a fixer upper on a lot of land. While we decided that this dream isn't important (and it still might not be in the makings for us), there is a chance we may get it afterall. Jason's partners parent's just so happen to be investors- and may be interested in investing in a property with us. Now, this is not a for sure thing by any means- but either way, we have decided we will be buying closer to his office.

God supplied us with a rental that is only $900 a month, in Paradise Valley (10 minutes from Jason's office), and is letting us rent month-to-month..I know, right?? God gives favor to his children!! It can be nothing else.

My boys. They make my heart melt

Now, back up a bit. When we found out we were going to have to wait a while to buy a home, we decided that we would just stay in Avondale until we could buy. No point in moving, we decided (even though we were pretty sure it was "time" to move). Two days later, our landlord lets us know that he needs his home back- his current living arrangment fell through.

Like I said, it was just one of those years where it can be chalked up to nothing other than "God is doing SOMETHING!!"

We are very excited to start up our "new life" this year. I feel so confirmed in my faith and so blessed that God cares about my situation. I know it sounds reduntant to say "God this" and "God that" about every single activity in my life. But, this is how I am learning to view things. Not that we have absolutely no hand in our own destinies, but that God can make good come from anything!!! And he really does help us out! We have been praying and praying for our situation- and when doors opened (and when doors closed) we just went with the flow. Which is so NEW for me...I have not been easy going when it comes to my life. I was a control freak :) I have always wanted to know what's going to happen and understand why..NOW!!

My oldest- she has my personality, but looks so much like Daddy!!

God has really changed me in that sense- and a lot of that has been by going through these major, unpredictable changes- and watching how Jason handles them. Jason is so much a "roll with the punches" type guy. I envy it...and I despise it at the same time. But it's a great "yin" to my "yang"- we really balance each other perfectly. And over this past year, I have finally adapted this great attribute. I just look at everything now as God helping to lead us through life. If we mess up, he audibles and changes our route (pardon the football analogy).

Oh my goodness, my little sweetheart. Opposite of Jayna- looks SO much like me, but acts SO much like Daddy :)

At the beginning of 2012, I thought that in order to be really content with my life, I wanted this-and-this-andt-that, I wouldn't admit it, but it's true. I would think that I NEEDED an acre of land to grow my garden, I NEEDED to live in one house the rest of my life so the kids can have a good childhood, etc. I put all this criteria on what constitutes as a good life for me and my family. God has SOOO shook that loose from my mind. By the end of 2012- I really began to TRULY believe that because we have each other- a wife and husband who deeply love each other and work hard for our wonderful marriage,- 3 children for whom we would do ANYTHING for, - and our basic needs ALWAYS being met (and usually our desires as well)----we are already content and SUCCEEDING at living a great life!

My BOY- he is the perfect mix of Jason and I- shares looks with both of us, and shares aspects of both of our personalities as well.

So, in 2013, I am focusing on our life as a journey. Not comparing it to anyone elses, not comparing ME as a mommy, wife, or woman to anyone else. I instead am focusing on trusting in God to mold me, being the best wife and mommy that I can be, love with all my heart, and have fun!! I already know God will provide, and that he will bring us the desires of our hearts (maybe some of them we aren't even aware of), so I may as well just sit back and enjoy the adventure!

And, this adventure happens to start with a move to a little rental in Paradise Valley and a semester of homeschooling, a new church to find, new schedule with Jason's work, and nothing in the future planned out!!! Oh...don't get me wrong, I WILL plan, but it will be very flexible and I will not get frustrated when things don't go like I think they should. I have SO learned my lesson!!!

I love my life, and love my family :)

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