Our Christmas trees are on their way! We are selling 620 trees this year! We are really hoping to make enough money to have a good down payment for a new house. Wish us luck!
The kids continue to grow-grow-grow and astonish us! They are amazing. I couldn't ask for cooler babies. They are exceedingly smart, witty, and athletic. They are beautiful, sweet, social...I could go on and on. I am having a hard time seeing their downfalls! Part of being a mommy...biased!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am feeling so thankful! There is so much going on right now, and sometimes I feel totally overwhelmed. College, kids, cleaning, cooking, shopping with coupons, bookkeeping for Ritterboys, Christmas trees, LAUNDRY! It all gets to me sometimes! And on top of that I am trying to make it to the gym a few times a week and doing crafts/school with the children. I sometimes wish that I didn't have to sleep...it would give me 7-8 mostly uninterrupted time to get things done!
Although I feel totally overwhelmed, I am thankful to have so much. Our three children (and two dogs!) are the biggest blessing of all. I also have a wonderful husband. God has helped our business stay afloat even through the Recession, we have amazing extended family that supports and love us. I am so thankful that I am able to stay home with my children, and even more thankful that all three of them are perfectly formed, perfectly healthy, and are flourishing in every way.
When things seem hard and too much to handle, I always try to look at the wonderful gifts I am given, and to remember that "this too will pass". In a few years I will look back and laugh at all the things that I juggled now, and I will have new struggles to get through! All circumstances are temporary.
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