My baby is a month old today...wow that went fast! I haven't written in the blog about anything happy for a long time...I'm overdue!
Sonja is such a sweet and precious little girl. She is a lot more easy going than the other 2 were at her age (knock on wood), and seems perfectly content watching her family from a distant or cuddling up close. She has amazing big blue eyes and the prettiest little complexion. Yes, I am in love :). Her big sister absolutely loves to help dress her, feed her, change her diaper, and hold her. Big brother wants to help too, but he hasn't quite learned what "gentle" means yet. Still, he helps give her a binkie and attempts to rock her to sleep. Sibling love is such an awesome gift.

Sonja's first real smiles started today. She just woke up for the day, and I was holding her talking to her when all of a sudden she breaks out in a big toothless wide grin. I thought maybe it was gas, but then she smiled again...and again. I had Daddy come downstairs to look, and she smiled at him too! It was so amazing! I have been waiting for an interactive moment with her for a long time!!It is so rewarding when it finally happens!

A week ago, Sonja rolled from her tummy to her back- she was on the couch though so it was easier. On the floor she can almost roll, but her little arm gets in the way. She is also holding her head steady. The other day I was on the phone and Sonja was crying. Jayna, trying to be a big sister, went to pick her up. I kind of freaked out, but realized that Jayna did a pretty good job and Sonja held up her head just fine. I still let Jayna know that she definitely cannot do that again, but it was a pretty cute moment. Jayna is totally my little helper. She wants to do anything she can to be a "big girl". I love it! I can't believe she turns 4 in a few days. Time flies WAY too fast!

Xander calls his sisters "sisis" and "baby sisis". He always wants to do what big sissy does, he really looks up to her. It is so cute. And he loves to try to take care of baby sissy, but it's kind of dangerous! haha.
Sonja Jordyn, I love you so much. I am so happy that you are hear and safe and healthy. I am excited to watch you and Jayna and Xander grow up together.
I'm so happy you are loving life so much right now! I found that with Logan, I was SO much more relaxed as a parent, it really helped his temperament a lot too. I was more confident in what I was doing..
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to meet the newest addition! Are you guys going to San Diego in June?