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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

DR Appt

Today was another DR appt. I cancelled my induction tomorrow for a variety of reasons. The most important one is that I have been feeling under the weather. The Dr prescribed me some antibiotics to kick whatever is coming on, so hopefully I'll be in good shape by the time she comes. The other reason is, the more I think about it, the more I really just want to go into labor by myself. We were going to induce because my back was in extreme pain (slipped disc) and they had thought I was strep-B positive- as it turns out, my back has totally healed up (knock on wood!!) and my test ended up being negative. A third reason is that Jason's first football game is tonight and I really didn't want him to miss it, but if we were going to induce tomorrow (I'd have to go in at 11pm tonight) I wanted him home. So all in all it really works out. I feel fine with waiting another week or even two. Although I don't think my Dr will let me go past my due date (Feb 20th). So 10 days at the most. That really doesn't feel that far away at all. In fact, tomorrow sounds WAY too soon! I have never been like that with a pregnancy before! I'm always DYING for them to come out! But I feel really good physically, and I know that this is my absolute last pregnancy, so I'm kind of enjoying it. I enjoy being able to lay there at night and bond with baby Sonja as she moves and kicks inside of my belly. It's so precious.

Anyways, the Dr said that I am already a couple centimeters dialated and 70% soft, so it could really happen anytime. He says he wouldn't be surprised if I didn't even last until my appt next Tuesday, but I definitely know better than to get excited over those kind of comments. I've heard way too often the dr tell someone I know that they will go into labor in the next couple days, just to have it turn into weeks. The last two pregnancies, my cervix was hard and thick right up until the day I went into labor, so this is definitely a new one for me. I'm sure your body starts preparing earlier and earlier with each baby, because it starts to get the hang of it or something.

I can't wait to meet you Sonja, your birth story will be treasured in all of our hearts for the rest of our lives! :)


  1. Good for you!
    I was induced with all 3 kids, Ashley was the most natural, because I went in to labor, but it never went anywhere, so they pretty much had to induce me.

    I wish that I would have went in to labor naturally, completely, just once!

  2. The waiting game begins! Before you know it, little Sonja will be here. You know, it's funny for me to imagine Jas with 3 kids... but 2 of them girls!! Haha.
    Heaven forbid they have his crazy genes! J.K.

    Let me know when it happens, and I want to have a picture sent to me when that baby girl arrives.
